Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Truly the apocalypse must be near because my DH asked for dinner suggestions and I said why not rustle up some hummous in the blender. So he did.

So far so normal.

But then a curious thing happened. He TASTED the hummous. He spread some on a cucumber and not only did he like it, he said it was, and I quote: "incredible, downed it whole".

My DH who has hated hummous his entire life, would never taste my homemade hummous or restaurant hummous or supermarket container hummous tasted hummous. And loved it.

Aharit hayamim.

There was also roast beets with feta, veggie sticks, leftover red (tomato-veg) soup, homemade wholewheat bread, fresh fruit smoothies and of course, homemade hummous.

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