Monday, September 02, 2024

The sun will rise tomorrow

I go down to the Otef almost every week, sometimes a few times a week and I see the rebuilding and the replanting, the people returning home to the kibbutzim and the moshavim, the return of rush hour traffic to the roads around Netivot and the amazing people who come to volunteer and our amazing soldiers doing month after month of service and new olim who've chosen davka to move to the Otef or the people making the ceramic kalaniot to place at memorial sites. I always come home with renewed optimism and hope even after visiting some of the darkest of places. We live in horrific times but we are surrounded by a generation of incredible people.

You don't plant new vineyards if you don't believe you will be around to enjoy the grapes in another few years. You don't start making fancy wine that needs years of aging if you don't believe you will get to drink it. You don't rebuild if you don't believe in a future. You don't put all this energy into aliya and hinukh and everything else, you don't make babies, if you don't have faith in tomorrow.

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