Sunday, October 06, 2024

It's hard to hold 1200 people in your heart all at once. Here is just one of the Israeli families wiped out by Hamas on October 7 2023.

They weren't "collateral damage". They weren't killed by a stray shell or bullet. They weren't caught in a crossfire.
Hamas terrorists from Gaza willfully, intentionally, gleefully murdered them -
Father Yonatan Siman Tov, a farmer, man of the soil
Mother Tamar Kedem-Siman Tov, peace activist, aspiring community leader, running for office in the municipal elections
6 year old twins Shahar and Arbel
4 year old Omer.
A family of five from Kibbutz Nir Oz.
When the Hamas terrorists invaded their kibbutz they tried to break into the home safe room where the family were sheltering from the rockets Hamas were firing from Gaza. Yonatan barricaded the door.
Unable to break in the Hamas terrorists decided to smoke them out. They set fire to the house. As the family felt the fire closing in and it became harder to breath they realised they had to get out. Yonatan messaged his sister one last time “They’re here. They’re burning us. We’re suffocating.”
Yonatan and Tamar had no choice but to risk opening the heavy steel blast shutter to let in fresh air.
The terrorists were waiting outside for just such a move.
They shot the parents through the window.
Trapped in a burning house with terrorist snipers waiting outside the family were doomed.
The bullet riddled corpses of parents Tamar and Yonatan were found in the burnt out house along with those of their little children who had choked to death in the smoke.
Yonatan's mother who lived nearby on the kibbutz was also murdered, along with her pet dog.
And this story played out over and over again throughout Israel's border region, in Nir Oz, in Beeri, in Kfar Azza, in Nirim, in Sderot and Ofakim - over and over, family after family. Murdered in their homes, in their cars, in the fields and farms. Murdered because they were Jews, because they were Israelis.
Premeditated murder.

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