Sunday, October 22, 2023

 What does a small scale bathing costume manufacturer do during a war?

Sadly thousands of Israelis from the Gaza border have had to flee their homes following attacks by Hamas, many unable to take anything with them, not even spare clothing, coming from kibbutzim, moshavim and towns under attack.
Marci Rapp of MarSea modest swimwear took 10 bags of swimsuits to give to women and girls at two Dead Sea hotels which are providing emergency housing for some of Israel's thousands of displaced people.
She hopes that with the nighmares that many of these families have experienced being able to go swimming and enjoy some relaxation will allow them to process and forget for at least a little bit the traumas and horrors unleashed on them and in particular allow the kids to just be kids again, as though their time at the Dead Sea is a holiday and not literally a life saving refuge from war.
Support Marci's small business via her website so that she can continue helping Israeli refugees:

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