Thursday, September 12, 2024

Support northern Israeli vineyards under fire

Times like these we don't know who to support first, there are so many people, causes, communities.

So many people are overwhelmed, it's hard to know where to start and we all have limited time and resources, we can't help everyone all the time.

Maybe it's obvious but a simple way to start is just to try to include small ways to help frontline northern Israeli communities at the moment, like supporting local businesses struggling to keep going with the intensifying Hizballah attacks on the north.

For example this Shabbat and for the upcoming Tishrei haggim make a point of using wine from the north for kiddush in solidarity with the many wineries in the area which have faced Hizballah rockets and drones for almost a year now. Some, like the Dalton winery, have suffered direct hits or had their vineyards or winery facilities torched by blazes triggered by Hizballah attacks.

You can find moderately priced wines in the NIS20-40 range all the way up to very expensive ones. Some supermarkets have or will have specials on these wines coming up to the Tishrei holidays.

Some kosher wineries in the far north to look out for. Some have online shops if you want to purchase directly, many are available in national supermarket chains:

Ramat HaGolan (Gamla, Yarden and other labels)


Adir (Kerem Ben Zimra)



Harei Galil

Tel Shifon


Har Odem

Matar (the kosher "sibling" of the non-kosher Palter winery in Ein Zivan)


Or Haganuz



(note that to the best of my knowledge these wineries are all kosher, but if kashrut matters to you please be sure to always confirm the hekhsher, note also that some wineries are kosher but operate visitor centres that are open on Shabbat while there are some that do not have a hekhsher but are closed on Shabbat)

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